I am a newbie in the "blog circuit". I have started to blog a few times over the years but got sidetracked. I didn't totally "get it". Why do people blog? Who wants to read their blogs? Are there good reasons to blog? Would I seem to be bloviating about something people don't really want to read? I am not blogging about an easy issue. The issue of abortion is an issue that draws a lot of controversary as we have all seen in the headlines recently and really since 1973 when Roe vs. Wade made it legal to abort babies.
Then it occured to me! People don't HAVE to read my blog unless they want to. That is the GREAT thing about blogs! On Facebook I have a variety of friends from a variety of places with a variety of opinions and beliefs. I don't always agree with their views and they don't always agree with mine. That doesn't make their impact in my life or our friendship or the history we have shared any less. We just have differing views based on where we have been, what our knowledge is of any particular subject, our values and our life experiences. When we post on Facebook, our friends really have no choice when it comes to reading our comments. It is hard to avoid others comments since they are in your feed. A blog link gives us all a choice and we all need lots of choices right? :)
Facebook is great for updating your daily status and keep in touch on how we are doing day to day. I think when it comes to sharing our hearts, blogs provide a great platform. People have a choice to click or not to click on a blog link. That's the way it should be!
My blog is about life issues. Abortion breaks God's heart and it breaks mine. I am not employed in "the industry". I don't benefit financially in any way from my ministry to women. I am a volunteer. I think this gives me a different perspective. I want to keep it real and relevant. I don't like ranting but I have to admit I am tempted when I see false information and nonsense being sold to the American people. Being real about what is happening everyday on the front lines where real people face real challenges and are looking for help and answers is what it is all about! The issues are not simple and there is so much at stake!