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17 week ultrasound |
Ally, an immature 19 year old, was concerned about telling her mother. Ally is a pleaser and knew her mother would be disappointed and upset. She was.
On Tuesday, Ally called our Crisis Pregnancy Center office to tell us her mother had made an appointment for Wednesday at an abortion clinic in Los Angeles. At 17 weeks pregnant, she could no longer go to an abortion clinic in the valley. This would be a 2-3 day procedure. We talked with Ally as she cried on the phone. She didn't have a ride to get to our office. Her boyfriend left her because he wanted this baby and Ally was going to end its life.
Ally went to LA with her mother on Wednesday. She called us crying a number of times. She didn't have the strength to say no to her mother. She went in the abortion chamber for the procedure and walked off the table.... she couldn't do it! Her mother was furious! The clinic workers talked to her mother and suggested she take Ally to lunch and return in an hour.
Ally couldn't forget the images of her baby's heart beating that she had seen just a few weeks ago! She told the abortion doctor about this and he told her it wasn't her baby's heartbeat she heard, it was her own heartbeat! The baby didn't have a heartbeat! Ally called our office to question what the doctor had told her. We assured her that what she saw (her baby's heart beating) and what she heard was the truth.
Ally and her mother returned to the clinic after lunch. Her mother convinced her she had no choice and that her future would be ruined if she had this baby. The doctor inserted lamanaria to dilate her cervix... she was to return Thursday for the termination. The abortion procedure at 17 weeks is called a D&E..... click to learn what this is: http://www.choiceline.org/AbortionInfo/abortionprocedures/tabid/1322/language/en-US/Default.aspx
Thursday morning Ally called our CPC office from her cellphone. She was hysterical. She didn't want to have the abortion and wanted it stopped. Her cervix hadn't dilated enough to finish the procedure so the doctor inserted more lamanaria and told her to return Friday morning. All day long, Ally called from LA.... her mother wouldn't bring her home. The doctor told her she could hemmorage or even die if she didn't continue with the abortion. We could only pray.
Late in the afternoon Ally's mother called me from LA to ask that we not call her daughter because we were upsetting her. I explained to her mother that Ally was calling us and didn't want to abort her baby. Her mother was very angry with me at first and told me that I didn't understand how Ally was ruining her life with her loser boyfriend. This mother's dreams for her daughter were shattered. Her anger turned to tears over the phone. I asked Ally's mom if I could pray for her. She said yes. I prayed, she said Amen. She thanked me and we said goodbye.
I don't know the outcome this morning. God does and nothing is a surprise to him this morning. I pray for Ally and her precious little 17 week old baby. I pray for her mother too. I pray for the abortion doctor. Lord, help us...... guide us. Be with these women and with our tireless volunteers who walk through these tragedies and love these men and women everyday. Thank you for trusting us and using us for your purposes. Some days we don't understand, we just don't understand. You do and that is good enough for me this morning. I put my faith in you.
Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. Psalm 61:1-4
Follow up on Ally: Ally texted this week that she went forward with the abortion on Friday morning. She said she is "full of regret and sorrow". We told her we love her and we are here for her and hope she will come in to talk.
Have a question about pregnancy, abortion, STDs or sex? Need help? Any age, confidential.
Email birdsbeestalk@gmail.com