Lots of women find themselves in this situation every day. Many times, we panic and think getting an abortion as quickly as possible is the best option.
Before you have an abortion, you should consider getting a free ultrasound. There are thousands of centers across the United States where you can get a FREE viability ultrasound.
Why would I want to get an ultrasound if I know I want to get an abortion?
A basic viability ultrasound exam will determine the following:
- Confirm pregnancy
- Detect fetal heart beat
- Determine fetal age
- Determine due date
- Confirm whether the pregnancy is intrauterine
Confirming a pregnancy before paying an abortionist for an abortion is advisable.
Confirming that the pregnancy is "intrauterine" is VERY IMPORTANT prior to considering an abortion. A tubal pregnancy can be very dangerous, even life-threatening.
Determining the fetal age is also imperative. There are many methods of abortion depending on how far along the pregnancy is. To make a good decision, you need the most accurate information possible.
You don't have to look at the screen when you get an ultrasound. You can gather the information you need to know by contacting a center where you will be treated with care and respect.
If you are considering an abortion, call 1-888-956-HELP or text 1-760-567-9085 to find a center near you where you can get a FREE pregnancy test and a FREE ultrasound TODAY!