It is a very disturbing trend. Over the years, our youth have become more pro-life, but many mothers remain uninformed and swayed by the "it's my body" values of so many women in the 70s and 80s. Most of these mothers grew up in the drugs, sex and rock and roll era where women were stepping into the workplace and proclaiming their freedom and power.
We have counseled thousands of young women over the years in crisis pregnancies. These young women are in difficult situations as their pregnancy is unplanned. They feel alone, scared and are feeling overwhelmed. Taking the time to sit down and discuss their situation with someone who cares is exactly what they need to sort through their feelings, get help and resources and make a plan. Equipping them with the information they need to know about ALL of their options is key.
Often a daughter comes with her mother seeking an abortion. When talking with and counseling the daughter, most often she does NOT want an abortion. It is her mother who is pressuring her to abort her baby. Often the mothers are angry and hurt and feeling like the plans and dreams they had for their daughter are over. Mothers feel like they are going to have to raise the baby and are not seeking answers, only a "quick fix".
Through the anger, we often see a mother in turmoil who herself has unresolved guilt and hurt over a past abortion of her own. If you ask her the question, "Have you had an abortion?", the floodgates open and the hurt and regret from her past that was laying just below the surface is released. Loving and caring for the mothers of our young clients makes a difference. Once mother takes the time to educate herself and think through the options with her daughter, she is more open and willing to support her daughter in making an adoption plan or parenting her soon to be grandchild.