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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Daughter is Pregnant

My friend just found out that her 18 year old daughter is pregnant.  We counsel with many mothers of teens who are pregnant and the heartache they feel and disappointment over the dreams they had for their daughter are so real and sad.  I want to share with you my friend's thoughts.  She will be sharing with us as she and her family deal with the realities of a new life, a tiny life to be born.

I just had confirmed that my 18 year old daughter is pregnant.  A lot of what I am feeling is numbness and wanting to just cry.  I want to yell and scream at her about how irresponbile that she has been.  We have had many talks and I have been very firm and told her how disappointed I was in her.  We had so many talks about not getting pregnant.  She thought she knew better.  I have so many mixed feelings.  I want to keep this baby and raise it but I know it is impossible.  Our health would not permit it.  I also know that this is a child having a child.  Right now adoption is a real option.  I just want to scream at God, why me?  I can't handle this!  Then I know that God does not give us any more than we can handle.  I know that there is a lesson that God wants to teach my daughter and our family.  I will continue this blog through the pregnancy to share my feelings both good and bad.     Patty

Have a question about pregnancy, abortion, STDs or sex? Need help? Any age, confidential.
Email birdsbeestalk@gmail.com