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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Planned Parenthood "Spin Cycle"

It is really hard to read the "spin" in the news about and by Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the country, and not share the truth that the media doesn't want us to know.

Planned Parenthood is mainly an abortion business with nearly 40% of their revenue coming from abortion.  They provided prenatal care to 7000 women, adoption referrals to only 977 women and performed 332,278 abortions in 2009 (most recent data available).

This means that 97.6% of pregnant women they saw, they performed an abortion on!  If you are paying taxes, you are paying for abortions!  If you find this to be objectionable, contact your local Senators and Representatives and encourage them do defund Planned Parenhood.

Click on the link below for more facts from Carenet:
The Planned Parenthood 'Spin Cycle'

Other things we can do to help women are to pray for an end to abortion, pray for the ministries that are helping women in crisis pregnancy situations, volunteer at your local crisis pregnancy center or pregnancy resource center or donate to your local pro-life pregnancy center.

Let's keep it real!  We need to be willing to speak out when the facts are misrepresented to women who are vunerable and don't have the support system they need.  Women need the truth and they need to know the choices, ALL THE CHOICES, when their lives and the lives of their babies are at stake.