The Crisis Pregnancy Center ministry is about a lot more than working to prevent abortions. We give a lot of free pregnancy tests and options counseling for sure. We also do relationship counseling, parenting classes and mentoring. It is through our mentoring and classes that we develop longer term relationships and grow in love for our young families.
We have known a young couple, Joshua and Ashley (names changed) for about 3 years. They are married and came to our Sweet Pea's Baby Boutique for parenting classes and were also in need of material resources for their unborn baby. We helped them and developed a relationship with them over many many months. Their baby boy is now 2 1/2 years old. Then along came their little girl who is now 1 year old.
Joshua and Ashley are a struggling young couple like many of us but it also became apparent that Joshua has a psychological disease that causes him severe mood swings as he often goes off his meds. He has left ranting messages on our phones only to come back and apologize. We became aware that Joshua had some issues with the law and CPS but didn't know any details. He eventually stopped coming to our classes and then told Ashley she couldn't come either. She complied. I reconnected with this couple a few months ago when I saw them walking up San Pablo Avenue
without their children.
Joshua was muttering and pushing an empty baby stroller. Ashley was following him closely in silence as she always does. I tried to talk to them and they just kept walking. I was alarmed! Where are the babies? As they walked quickly up the street, I got in my car and followed them to try to talk to them. I parked my car on the curb and chased them up the street. Eventually they stopped and Joshua told me that "they" had taken his children because "they" wanted them for their own families. He and Ashley were now homeless and all their possessions were with them. "They" was Child Protective Services. Joshua was obviously off his meds and ranted and raved about all the people who were "after them". I managed to get 10 seconds with Ashley and told her if she ever was ready to get help to come to the center, it would be a safe place.
8 week ultrasound |
On Tuesday, Ashley was waiting outside our door early in the morning. Joshua had threatened to kill her. She said she was ready to leave him. She is now 8 weeks pregnant with their third child. After counseling with her, she assured her counselor over and over again that she wanted help and wanted to get her children back and be their mother. She said she recognized she couldn't be with Joshua because he refused to get help and that she needed to start a new life and raise her children in a safe home.
We were able to contact a dear lady named Mary from our church who picked her up and took her home with her so she would be safe until we found someplace more permanent. She stopped and fed a hungry Ashley, bought her clothing and opened her home. All seemed well for only one night. On Wednesday, while Mary was at work, Ashley contacted her husband, packed up her clothes, left no note, no thank you and went to meet Joshua. An altercation ensued, police were called. That was and is the end of our involvement. We can't help them anymore.
Our hearts are broken, especially for the two young children in foster care and their unborn brother or sister. We are sad for Ashley and Joshua as well. Many of our volunteers and our staff have developed relationships with them over these years. Life is not always simple and
we can't fix it. Only God can do that. We turn it over to Him. We pray that He will meet them where they are and they will get the help they need. We pray for those precious babies and pray the Lord will keep them safe.
Give all your worries to Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Have a question about pregnancy, abortion, STDs or sex? Need help? Any age, confidential.